<목 차>
2. Research on chinese college students' perception of korean image··················································································Xiaoyue Song ·Jinling Wan / 9-33
3. The Shaping and Communication of National Image by Korean Film and Television··············································································Ning Wang ·Jinling Wang / 34-58
4. Study on the influence of Korean Wave Culture on Chinese College Students and countermeasures·····································································Geng Qing· Wang Jingling / 59-79
5. 에듀테크 활용 프로그램을 통한 미래교육 프로그램 개발·······························이민혜 / 81-95
주소: (46288)부산광역시 금정구 금강로 271 패스파인더 4층 4001호
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발전기금: 농협 301-0305-8343-11(예금주: 사단법인 한국국제교육교류학회)
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