Journal Publication Regulations

Publishing Regulations of Korea Society of International Relations and Education

Enacted on November 16, 2020

Chapter 1 General Provisions

Article 1 (Purpose) This regulation aims to determine all matters such as reception, review, editing, and publishing of manuscripts in accordance with the publication of the journal of Korea Society of International Relations and Education.

Article 2 (Name) The name of this academic journal is "Journal of the International Relations & Interdisciplinary Education".

Article 3 (Supervision) The Editorial Committee shall be responsible for all matters relating to recruitment, examination, editing, and publishing of the thesis to be presented in this journal.

Article 4 (Issuance and Copyright)

This journal is published three times a year. April 30, August 31, and December 31 are regular publication dates. If the additional publication is needed, it is decided by the resolution of the editorial committee.

Publication in academic journals is for unpublished papers, and simultaneous submission or double publication of thesis with the same content in other journals is prohibited.

The copyright of the paper published in the academic journal belongs to this society.

Other matters related to the publication of academic journals will be determined separately.

Article 5 (Right of Publication)

The ownership of all publications published by this society belongs to the society, and the profits generated by selling publications belong to the society.

When using all the materials published by the society, the approval of the society must be obtained, which is decided by the editorial committee.

Chapter 2 Editorial Committee

Article 1 (Structure)

The editorial committee is composed of a domestic editorial director as its chairman and a few editors appointed by the president of the society among members of the society.

The editor-in-chief shall be responsible for all matters pertaining to the publishing of the journal.

Article 2 (Function) The editorial committee performs the following roles.

Establishing a publishing schedule for the journal.

Deciding whether or not to review the submitted paper.

Selecting a reviewer for the submitted paper and requesting the reviewer for review.

Editing and publishing the journal.

Discussing other journal editing-related matters.

Chapter 3 Paper Review

Article 1 (Appointment of judges)

Editorial committee members recommend experts in the relevant field as judges for submitted papers but should have a doctorate degree in principle.

The editor-in-chief chairman appoints three judges per thesis, corresponding to the reviewers recommended by the editors, but the contributor is excluded from the reviewers.

Article 2 (Review Procedure) The review of the paper shall be conducted in the first and second rounds.

    The Editorial Committee sends a “Paper Review Request Form”, a “Paper Review Form,” and a copy of the paper to be reviewed to the commissioned reviewers for review. However, personal information such as affiliation and name of the contributor shall be deleted from the research paper sent to the reviewers for fair review.

    The first round shall be judged as one of ' Received', 'Received after Revision ', 'Re-review', and ' Rejection ' based on the review criteria, and the basis for the decision is detailed and submitted to the editorial committee.

    The editorial committee makes the first decision as one of ' Received', 'Received after Revision ', 'Re-review', and ' Rejection ' based on the results of the first three judges.

    A paper that has been judged as ' Received after Revision ' in the first judgment shall be considered as a ' Received ' provisionally under the condition that the requested amendment is faithfully carried out, and a paper that has received ' Re-review ' shall be subject to a second review.

    The editorial committee collects the “Paper Review Form” submitted by the reviewers along with the first round result and notifies the contributor within 5 weeks from the submission deadline.

    Contributors who are requested to submit revised paper must submit the revised paper and the review answer by the designated date, and the editorial committee confirms and accepts the revised paper and the review answer submitted by the contributor.

    If the results of the first round are ' Received after Revision ', one judge who is not appointed as the first judge of the relevant paper is requested to review the revised paper. The reviewer shall review the opinions of the three primary reviewers, the revision papers of the contributors, and the review answers, and determine them as one of the “Received” or" Received after Revision ".

<Table 1> Paper Review Result Table


Reviewer 1

Reviewer 2

Total Score



3 points(Received)

3 points (Received)

6 points



3 points(Received)

2 points(Received after Revision)



Received after Revision


3 points(Received)

1 point(Re-Review)



2 points(Received after Revision)

2 points(Received after Revision)



3 points(Received)

0 point(Rejection)

3 points




2 points(Received after Revision)

1 point(Re-Review)

3 points


2 points(Received after Revision)

0 point(Rejection)

2 points


1 point(Re-Review)

1 point(Re-Review)

2 points


1 point(Re-Review)

0 point(Rejection)

1 points




0 point(Rejection)

0 point(Rejection)

0 points

3 points for Received / 2 points for Received after Revision / 1 point for Re-Review / 0 point for Rejection

If the result of the first round is “Re-Review”, a second round of the revised paper is demanded by one reviewer who has not been appointed as the first reviewer for the paper. The re-review committee investigates whether or not the contributor has fulfilled the revised paper based on the three primary review opinions, the contributor’s revised paper, and the review answer, and re-evaluates whether the revised dissertation can be published in the journal, and it is judged as either 'Received' or ‘Rejection'. In addition to the substance of the first round, the 2nd judge may present re-review opinions.

Papers which have been confirmed as ‘Rejection’ cannot be resubmitted with the same title and content.

The editorial committee shall notify the contributors of the 2nd round result and the "Paper Review Form" within 3 weeks from the date of notification of the first result.

The editorial committee confirms the manuscript judged to be “Received” as a published manuscript.

The editorial committee reviews the English abstract only for the papers that have been confirmed to be Received.

The manuscript that has been confirmed as Received will be converted to the subject of publication after the result of the revised English abstract is submitted.

Article 3 (Paper Review Criteria) The reviewers shall review papers according to the review items contained in the paper review form.

①.    Research purpose and clarity of research problems

②.    Appropriateness of research content and logic development

③.    Validity and accuracy of research methods (sampling, data collection, and analysis, etc.)

④.    Objectivity and fairness of research conclusions and suggestions

⑤.    Academic value and social contribution of research results

⑥.    Logicality and readability of the written sentence

⑦.    Table of contents, citations, footnotes, faithfulness of references

⑧.    Originality of research

⑨.    Compliance with research ethics

Article 4 (Exception Processing) In the following situations, independent processing will be carried out regardless of the paper review result.

   Even though the submitted manuscript is verified as Received, if it is determined that publication is impossible due to violation of the research ethics regulations, the editorial committee will disallow publication regardless of the review result.

    If the contributor fails to submit the revised paper within the specified deadline without a justifiable reason, the re-review of the paper shall be considered to have been abandoned and the decision may be rejected.

Article 5 (Objection Presenting) The contributor may file an objection within 3 days after being notified of the results of the first round review, and the editing committee shall deal with it.

Chapter 4 Paper Submission

Article 1 (General Provisions) When submitting a manuscript to this journal, the following should be observed.

    Paper contributors must be at least a regular member of this society, and for collaborative research with two or more researchers, all researchers must be members of this society. However, if a non-member wishes to submit papers to this journal, it must obtain separate approval from the editorial committee.

   The annual membership fee for this conference is 20,000 won, and 30,000 won should be paid if you wish to receive an academic journal.

    In the case of several authors, the research director (first author) is indicated first, and if the corresponding author needs to be identified separately, the contributor shall indicate it in the paper.

Article2 (Submission Method and Documents)

When submitting papers,the manuscript should be written in the form provided by the Society ([KoreaSociety of International Relations and Education] Paper Template.hwp), and thewritten manuscript must be submitted as an attachment to the email.

   Whensubmitting papers, a request for publication of the paper, a copyrightdelegation agreement, confirmation of compliance with research ethicsregulations, and the result of paper similarity test must be submitted alongwith the paper.

Guidelines for Published Papers ofJournalof the International Relations & Interdisciplinary Education

Enacted on November 16, 2020

1.Announcements for manuscript writing

①.    Manuscriptsshall, in general, be written in Korean or English, but may be written in otherforeign languages. The papers can be compiled and published in the SpecialSupplement Section when they are submitted in English.

②.    Themanuscript should contain the following.

    Title of paper, author's name,organization, and position in Korean

    Title of paper, author's name,organization, and position in English

    Korean abstract, English abstract, andkeywords

    Necessity and purpose of research,theoretical background, research method, research results, conclusions andsuggestions


③.    Manuscriptswhich have been confirmed as obtained must be preceded by an English title andan English abstract for Korean manuscripts, and a Korean title and a Koreanabstract for English manuscripts.

④.   Forother matters not mentioned below, please follow the method of writing APAthesis (The American Psychological Association).

2.Manuscript text writing standards

①.    Manuscriptsshould be written in Korean (mixed with Korean and Chinese) or in English.

②.    Numberingsystem

1st Stage: Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ, ...

  2nd Stage: 1, 2, 3, ...

  3rd Stage: 1), 2), 3), ...

  4th Stage: (1),(2), (3), ...

    5th Stage: , , , ...

③.    PaperTitle, author's name, organization, and position

Thepaper title,author's name, and organization should be written in Korean and English. ForKorean papers, please write Korean first and English later. And for the Englishpaper, please write English first and Korean later.

As shown in the footnote on the first page of the manuscript,all authors should indicate their name, organization, and position in the orderof authors. The affiliated organization and position should be described as ○○ universityprofessor (or lecturer, postdoctoral researcher, graduate student,undergraduate student), ○○ elementary·middle· high school teacher, etc.

The name and e-mail address of the corresponding author shouldbe indicated in the footnote of the first page of the paper.

④.    Tables andfigures should be clearly and legibly written at the time of publication, andtitles of tables and figures should be written in English. The figure numberand title of the figure should be written outside the figure, and the table andfigure must be mentioned in the paragraph.

3. Details ofmanuscript writing



Manuscript in   English



MS word

Paper size

A4 paper

A4 paper

Paper margin

15mm, 아래 10mm, 왼쪽 17mm, 오른쪽 17mm, 머리말 10mm, 꼬리말 10mm, 제본 0mm

Top margin 3cm, Bottom margin 2.54cm, Left margin 2.54cm, Right margin   2.54cm, Binding margin 0cm

Manuscript   Writing Order








Key words





      Paper Title in   English

      Authors’ Name in   English

      Affiliated organization and position in English

      Paper Title in   Korean

      Authors’ Namein Korean

      Affiliated organization and position in Korean

      Abstract in English

      Keywords in English

      Paper TextinEnglish


      Abstract in Korean

      Keywords in Korean

Font size

본문 14px, 간격 160%

제목 17px(진하게, 중간정렬)

소제목 15px(진하게, 들여쓰기없음)

본문 13px(들여쓰기 13px, 문단앞에스페이스로들여쓰기하지않음)

4. Referenceswriting standards

References shallbe limited to those cited or mentioned in the text.

The order ofarrangement of references should be listed in the order of Asian (Korean,Chinese, Japanese), then Western, in the order of , , and in theauthor's name in the Eastern, and in alphabetical order by the author's name inthe Western.

For titlesand dissertations in English, only the first word should be written in capitalletters, and all others should be written in lowercase letters. However, in thecase of book in periodicals, each word should be written in capital letters.

The titles ofbooks and books of periodicals in Korean and English are not written in bold oritalic type, but in normal font.


  References in the text of the manuscript should bewritten in the form of 'author name (year of publication)'.

    Citations of documents with three ormore authors in the main text of the manuscript should be written as 'representative author, (year of publication)' for Koreanpapers and 'representative author, et al. (year of publication)' for Englishpapers.

5. Details of referenceswriting


저자명 (역할어). (발행년). 표제(역할을달리한저자)(판차). 발행지: 발행사.

Author, A. A.,Author, B.B., &Author, C.C. (year of publication). Title of work.Location:Publisher.

Journals in periodicals

연구자명. (발행년). 논문명. 자료명(발행단체명), (), 논문수록면수.

Author, A. A.,Author, B. B., &Author, C. C. (Year). Title of article. Title ofPeriodical, volume number (issue number), pp-pp.

Thesis of degree

연구자. (수여년도). 논문명.학위명, 수여기관명, 소재지.

Author, A. A.(Year of publication). Title of thesis (Type of thesis).Institution, Location.


저자명 (발행일자). 전자문서명. 웹사이트명. 검색일. URL주소

Author, A. A. (Date of publication). Title ofwebsite. Retrieved from

Address: Busan City,  Geumjeong-gu,   Geumgang-ro 271, passfinder, 4th floor, room 4001.